The characters within the Danny Phantom universe.
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- Aki (The Two Phantoms)
- Amorpho (The Two Phantoms)
- Angela Foley (The Two Phantoms)
- Anthem (The Two Phantoms)
- Arthur Mattingly (The Two Phantoms)
- Ash McLain (The Two Phantoms)
- Ashley (DP Olivia)
- Ashley (The Two Phantoms)
- Carla (The Two Phantoms)
- Carolyn Masters (DP Olivia 2: Legend Of Phantoms)
- Catherine (The Two Phantoms)
- Cave Boy (TWP 2: Superhero Unleashed)
- Celest (The Two Phantoms)
- Clockwork (The Two Phantoms)
- Connie (The Two Phantoms)
- Crescendo (The Two Phantoms)
- Cujo (The Two Phantoms)
- Dakota Fenton (The Two Phantoms)
- Dakota McLain (The Two Phantoms)
- Dan Phantom (The Two Phantoms)
- Daniel Fenton (The Two Phantoms)
- Daniela Fenton (The Two Phantoms)
- Danielle Fenton (The Two Phantoms)
- Danny Fenton (DP Olivia)
- Danny Fenton (NoahB2002’s version)
- Danny Fenton (SC Stories)
- Danny Fenton (The Two Phantoms)
- Danny Fenton (The Wanderlust Phantoms)
- Danny Fenton (TheAwsomeBoii AU)
- Daphne Sanchez (The Two Phantoms)
- Darcy McLain (The Two Phantoms)
- Dash Baxter (SC Stories)
- Dash Baxter (The Two Phantoms)
- Dawna Fenton
- Delphine Renée de Haubourg
- Desiree (The Two Phantoms)
- Disco Jay (The Two Phantoms)
- Donna Fenton (DP Olivia 2: Legend Of Phantoms)
- Dusk (The Two Phantoms)
- Galahad Mattingly (The Two Phantoms)
- Gawain Mattingly (The Two Phantoms)
- Gelu (The Two Phantoms)
- Genderbender (The Two Phantoms)
- Gracie Fenton (The Two Phantoms)
- Greg Osbourne (SM:MH Series)
- Guys in White (The Two Phantoms)
- Gwen Tennyson (Gwen Phantom)
- Jack Fenton (SC Stories)
- Jack Fenton (The Two Phantoms)
- Jaden (The Two Phantoms)
- Jazz Fenton (SC Stories)
- Jazz Fenton (The Two Phantoms)
- Jeremy Manson (The Two Phantoms)
- Johnny 13 (The Two Phantoms)
- Julie Fenton (The Two Phantoms)
- Julie’s Parents (The Two Phantoms)
- La Llorona (Danny Phantom: The Animated Series)
- Lamorak Mattingly (The Two Phantoms)
- Lance Thunder (The Two Phantoms)
- Lancelot Mattingly (The Two Phantoms)
- Leona (The Two Phantoms)
- Lucan Mattingly (The Two Phantoms)
- Luna (The Two Phantoms)
- Lunch Lady (The Two Phantoms)
- Maddie Fenton (SC Stories)
- Maddie Fenton (The Two Phantoms)
- Mako (The Two Phantoms)
- Malignus (The Two Phantoms)
- Malum (The Two Phantoms)
- Masters'/Fenton Blasters (The Two Phantoms)
- Mikey (The Two Phantoms)
- Mr. Falluca (The Two Phantoms)
- Mr. Lancer (SC Stories)
- Mr. Lancer (The Two Phantoms)
- Mr. McLain (The Two Phantoms)
- Mr. Sanchez (The Two Phantoms)
- Mrs. Gray (The Two Phantoms)
- Mrs. McLain (The Two Phantoms)
- Mrs. Sanchez (The Two Phantoms)
- Ms.Tetslaff (The Two Phantoms)
- Pamela Manson (SM:MH Series)
- Pamela Manson (The Two Phantoms)
- Pandora (The Two Phantoms)
- Paulina (The Two Phantoms)
- Paulina Sanchez (SC Stories)
- Penelope Spectra (SM:MH Series)
- Penelope Spectra (The Two Phantoms)
- Percival Mattingly (The Two Phantoms)
- Peter (Danny & Sam)
- Pierce Fenton (The Two Phantoms)
- Pookie (The Two Phantoms)
- Princess Dorathea (The Two Phantoms)
- Principal Ishiyama (The Two Phantoms)
- Sam Manson (SC Stories)
- Sam Manson (The Two Phantoms)
- Samuel Manson (The Two Phantoms)
- Serena (The Two Phantoms)
- Shadow (The Two Phantoms)
- Sheila Mary Campbell
- Sidney Poindexter (The Two Phantoms)
- Skulker (The Two Phantoms)
- Sonny Fenton (The Two Phantoms)
- Star (SC Stories)
- Star (SM:MH Series)
- Star (The Two Phantoms)
- Star's Mother (The Two Phantoms)
- Stinkweed (The Two Phantoms)